Sunday, July 3, 2016

Burger King Mac n' Cheetos

Burger King, we can always count on you to come out with new things.  If your new product is a flop, there will be something new to try next month!  This time around, it is "Mac n' Cheetos.".. what??

Well they are Cheetos sized and shaped cheese sticks that are fried with macaroni and cheese inside!  First off, the only way I knew about them was a single poster on the outside window.  When you go into the location I went to, it's not even showing on the menu.  So I asked for them, and received.  Upon trying them, I was like "hmm not too bad."  I finished them, sharing them with some friends (that would try them).  However, they did what all successful foods do.  A week later, I was wanting MORE!

                                                  Photo courtesy of

During a July 4th fireworks viewing, we were parked next to a Burger King (another location).  This one didn't even have the poster that I could see.  But the Mac n' Cheetos were calling my name the whole time.  This time around I would get some dipping sauce.  They don't offer it to you when you order it, but after watching some food reviews from KBD Productions' Ken Domik, and Ian Keiner from Peep This Out, I learned to get some sauce.  I got ranch and buffalo, as well as some barbecue for some chicken nuggets I was also having.  Guess which one was best?

By coincidence, I had the barbecue because I like it best with nuggets.  And what do you know?  I dipped a Mac n' Cheeto in the barbecue.  Flavor explosion!  Macaroni and barbecue sauce are dynamite together.  I never knew this or suspected it!  The ranch and buffalo were good but definitely try the barbecue sauce with the Mac n' Cheetos!  Unlike the Chicken Fries Rings which came out a month or two before and have too much pepper, these are a home run.  Have you tried them yet?  Go out and get some immediately!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pal's Sudden Service Review

Hello all. Yesterday I went to Pal's at the mall in Johnson City, TN, excited about eating their food since it had been years since I had it last. I got the Big Pal with a small fry and small coke. The fries were awesome! Well seasoned and crispy. Also they were fresh, which always helps. The burger was a different story. It had everything on it that I like, except pickles; however, that's not a deal breaker. After taking a few bites, I realized that the burger meat was very bland... I was disappointed. The tastiest thing on the burger was the onion. I also got cheese on it, even though I'm not a big fan of cheese. I wanted to get the full experience. Adding insult to injury, refills cost 25 cents!!  It didn't matter that the tea costs less than the soda; they still charged for it. That blows, Pal's. Hey your service is excellent and I love what you all do, especially your philosophy of training employees well. But, the 5/5 rating I was expecting to give you is now barely a 3/5. If I go back, it will be to try the milkshakes or another menu item. Hey, at least I'll be excited for the fries and sweet tea.

FATZ changes menu

So FATZ has changed their menu. There are no more pictures. Plus the TC Cider Sampler is gone; it was my favorite dish because it has so many different things! I think this is a step in the wrong direction for sure. What do you think?