Sunday, January 8, 2017

Taquería Don Lalo (Newland, NC)

There's a new small taco joint in town called Taquería Don Lalo (Cash Only as it says on the door).  The town of Newland, NC was needing a Mexican restaurant since the closest one is the next town over about 15 minutes away.  So if you want tacos, this restaurant delivers.

Taco de tripa con cilantro y cebollas
The first time trying this place was around August 2016 (it has been closed every time I drive by now, possibly closed for the winter?).  However, trying these tacos, I was very pleased!  You can order tacos a la carte as well as mix and match the meats, toppings, and type of tortilla.  I recommend ordering a variety so you can try many at once.  They also provided homemade salsa and sour cream in plastic cups (however the next 2 times I ordered from here, the put a very different salsa, which didn't taste homemade, in a tied up plastic bag).

Chicken Tacos

I got the taco de tripa (tripe taco) and chicken tacos.  I had never tried tripe and I enjoyed it!  They even cook it to whatever crispiness you desire.  If you don't know what tripe is, try it before you look it up.  Honestly, it tasted better than I expected.  The cilantro and onions on the taco plus the salsa and sour cream made me wish I had ordered more!  The service is a different story.

The owners have their kids, who speak good English, helping out.  You can tell they are new to this so you may want to cut them some slack but make sure they don't accidentally overcharge you.  The dining area is also small but I've never seen the place packed.  When you call the number (which is a cell phone number), it may ring a few times before you get an answer.  I actually had them call me twice the night after I ate there.  On the second call I answered it and no one spoke.  To this day I have no idea why they called me.  Yes my number is in your cell phone from when I ordered that day, so why wouldn't you expect that to be a customer before thinking "ay quien es este número no lo sé, voy a llamarlo ahora..." jajajaja.  I digress.

Anyway, I don't go there regularly due to the inconsistency but I would definitely return when I get a mood for tacos.  If you like heavier Mexican dishes, still with your usual the next town over.  If you like something lighter but tasty for lunch, go for the Taquería Don Lalo at least once!

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